Ads in Telegram messenger

4 min readMay 4, 2022

Business owners need high-quality advertising to grow their business. To do return advertising before anything else you need to choose a suitable space. A space that has a lot of players and audiences. Telegram is a messenger for the audience, so it is very suitable for advertising. But Telegram has also considered restrictions to prevent users from advertising. In the following, we want to talk about the importance and methods of advertising in telegram messenger, and investigate its restrictions.

Why advertising on telegram is important?

Telegram is a popular messenger that if you advertise in this space, you can record a high return for yourself. The reason for this popularity is the very high speed of this messenger. You can also introduce your products and services by sending photos, videos, or textual content. Telegram has set a series of restrictions for the audience so that they cannot easily advertise in this space. In the following, we will get acquainted with these restrictions.

The ways to advertise in telegram

Generally, you can advertise on the Telegram in 3 ways:

  • In the private chat
  • In telegram groups
  • In Telegram channels
  1. In the private chat:The probability of seeing the message in private chat is 100% because people always pay attention to the messages they receive in private chat and in this way, like the old methods, they do not ignore the ads. So, you can have a high return on advertising by sending messages to people’s private chats. But know, there is a strict limit to this method, which we will investigate in the following.

Restriction of daily submission: In this restriction, telegram does not allow you to send more than 50 messages to strangers (people who do not have saved your number in their contacts and have not chatted with you before) in a day.

Solution: If you want to send more than 50 messages in a day to strangers you should use several lines (telegram accounts). Imagine that you want to send 1000 messages in a day you should use 20 lines (telegram accounts). since it is so difficult to do this and switch between lines manually, it is better to use a tool to automate these tasks for you.

It is possible that when you send messages to strangers, they block and report you. And if your telegram account gets reported many times by users, Telegram will block your account

Solution: You should be careful to send your advertising messages to appropriate audiences. It means choosing your target audiences correctly. For instance, if your advertising content is about cosmetics, do not send it to men.

  • In telegram groups:in telegram groups: There are two ways to advertise in telegram groups.
  • The first method is that you can create a group yourself to add your intended contacts, to introduce your content and products. If you want to do this and add people to your group, there is a restriction that you cannot add more than 50 people to your group in one day. If you can use multiple lines, you can add more people to the group. But switching between multiple lines and performing these operations is difficult, and it is better to use a tool that performs these steps automatically. The Virtual User Telegram Bulk Message Sender Package that we introduced in the previous section is a suitable tool.
    You should also note that you should add people to the group who are interested in your content and field of work, otherwise they will not block or report you.
  • The second method is to send your message in crowded groups. If you send advertising messages in crowded groups, you will get good feedback, because there are a large number of members in these groups. Due to a large amount of the messages in these groups, your message will get lost and people may not attention to your message. Because of this reason, it is not recommended to send messages in groups. But you can extract the IDs or numbers of these members and send them a message privately.

In the following, we want to talk about how we can advertise on telegram channels.

  • In telegram channels: Advertising in Telegram channels has 3 parts that we want to introduce in the following.
  • CPM Ads: In this type of advertising, you pay for the number of views on your post and you do not need to pay an additional fee.
  • CPC ads: In this type of advertising, you pay for the number of clicks on your post, and your post will remain the last post on the channel.
  • Fixed and hourly ads: In this method of advertising, you can determinehow long (12 hours or 24 hours) your post be on the channel and you just pay a fee for this time.

In this article, we tried to introducethe advertising methods in Telegram and their restrictions. To bypass the restrictions, we introduced the Virtual User Telegram Bulk Message Sender Bot to you. If you use this tool, you can perform all the steps of extracting member specifications from Telegram groups, adding people to groups, and sending bulk messages in Telegramautomatically and in the fastest possible time. To prepare this Bot, you can refer to the virtual user site.

